Bank card functions are becoming more and more perfect, extending from traditional bank cards to smart bank cards. It replaces several payment methods that traditional wallets can accommodate with a single card with a chip, including credit cards, check cards, and customer cards. , Phone card, cash, foreign currency, etc.
Product Description
With the rapid development of China's banking industry and computer network technology, the function of bank cards is becoming more and more perfect, extending from traditional bank cards to smart bank cards. It replaces the traditional wallet with a single card with a chip. Several payment methods, including credit card, check card, customer card, phone card, cash, foreign currency, etc. Its convenient, fast, reliable and safe features can enable cardholders to truly realize one card in hand and travel all over the world. Secondly, bank smart card payment is divided into key card smart card, fingerprint payment smart card, and ink screen smart card. Security identification technology is widely used in the field of justice, finance, government management system and other fields, with broad development prospects.
Facilitate the implementation of the central bank's digital currency (DC/EP) policy. Now it has reached cooperation with the four major state-owned banks and three major operators of the national institutions and Internet companies such as Ali and Tencent.